Supported Living

Living more independently on your own or sharing with two or three housemates may be your goal. There are several apartments near to The Meath, in Godalming that offer supported living.

Our welcoming accommodation is fully furnished and includes a well-equipped kitchen, dining area, lounge and bathroom, plus your own bedroom. The friendly staff team encourage everyone in the house to get involved in planning and shopping for food and household goods, to participate in cooking, keep your own room and the communal rooms clean and tidy, and to do your own washing and ironing.

In addition to accessing the wealth of opportunities on offer at The Meath, many Supported Living clients volunteer in the local community and enjoy their own pursuits.

Get in touch

Call us on 01483 415095 us for further information

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Supported Living Testimonial

“I live locally in a Meath Supported Living House and the Skills Centre has helped me to be more independent. I enjoy learning new skills and being with my friends. I come to the Skills Centre most days and also enjoy having lunch onsite at The Hive.”

Ben, Supported Living Client

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