Personalised Support

We use person-centred planning to make sure that everyone remains focused on helping you achieve your goals. And as people’s needs change from time to time, it also helps keep your support arrangements on track.

You are able to choose a network of people from amongst family, friends, staff and other key professionals, whom you trust and value, to help with your decision making. They will listen to your thoughts on what you want to achieve in your life and then help you to map out how you might attain those goals. This is then formed into an ongoing plan of action. It’s a great way of helping you take as much control over your own life as possible.
We adopt this personal approach across all of our services, making quite sure we are listening to everyone’s points of view and using these conversations to help shape our future plans. Our Chief Executive holds regular forums with residents, where people are able to bring up any thoughts or concerns, which are then discussed and acted upon.
The Meath Epilepsy Charity takes its responsibility for supporting people without prejudice and discrimination very seriously and adheres to the expectations of CQC (Care Quality Commission) for the residents and The Equality Act 2010.
We value the differences that a diverse community brings and are committed to creating a respectful environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect and where any unlawful and/or unfair discrimination is not tolerated. We will not unlawfully discriminate directly or indirectly on grounds of sex, gender reassignment, disability, pregnancy, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins, age, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, or belief.